Jobs of the Hands, the Mind or the Heart : The Categories of Jobs That the New PM of Singapore Thinks About

Ahmadou Bello
4 min readAug 13, 2024


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In a rapidly evolving world, the conversation around work and the types of jobs that are valued is more pertinent than ever. Singapore’s new Prime Minister, Lawrence Wong, has provided a thoughtful framework for understanding the different categories of jobs that shape our society. He categorized these as “jobs of the hands,” “jobs of the mind,” and “jobs of the heart.” This simple yet profound classification encourages us to rethink how we view different forms of work and their significance in the broader societal context.

Jobs of the Hands: The Foundation of Our Society

“Jobs of the hands” refer to manual labor — roles that involve physical effort and skilled craftsmanship. These are the jobs that build and maintain the infrastructure of our daily lives. From construction workers to electricians, from farmers to factory workers, these are the hands that create and sustain the tangible world we live in.

Historically, manual jobs have often been undervalued, seen as less prestigious compared to white-collar work. However, these roles are the backbone of any society. Without the labor of these skilled individuals, our cities would not rise, our food would not reach our tables, and our daily comforts would cease to exist. The importance of these jobs cannot be overstated, and they deserve the same recognition and dignity as any other profession.

Jobs of the Mind: Driving Innovation and Progress

“Jobs of the mind” encompass roles that require cognitive skills — critical thinking, analysis, and creativity. These are the jobs of engineers, scientists, educators, and professionals in various fields that demand intellectual rigor. These roles drive innovation, solve complex problems, and push the boundaries of what humanity can achieve.

Cognitive jobs are often celebrated for their contributions to progress and development. Yet, it is crucial to recognize that these jobs do not exist in isolation; they are interdependent with the other categories. The innovations developed by the mind are brought to life by the hands, and they often aim to improve the lives of those who work with their hands or their hearts.

Jobs of the Heart: The Essence of Human Connection

“Jobs of the heart” are roles centered around people — those that require empathy, compassion, and interpersonal skills. This category includes healthcare workers, social workers, educators, and caregivers. These are the jobs that nurture, heal, and support the well-being of individuals and communities.

In an increasingly digital and automated world, jobs of the heart remind us of the irreplaceable value of human connection. These roles are essential in fostering social cohesion and ensuring that our progress does not come at the cost of our humanity. They deserve recognition not just for their emotional labor, but for the vital role they play in maintaining the social fabric of our society.

The Importance of All Jobs and the Role of AI in Flattening Society

Every job, whether of the hands, mind, or heart, plays a crucial role in the functioning of society. These categories should not be viewed hierarchically but rather as interconnected and equally important components of a well-rounded and thriving community.

As we move into an era where Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation are becoming increasingly integrated into the workforce, there is a growing potential to flatten the societal hierarchies that have traditionally placed some jobs above others in terms of prestige and value. AI has the power to augment all types of jobs, whether by enhancing the efficiency of manual labor, aiding cognitive tasks, or even supporting those in caregiving roles.

For instance, AI can help streamline repetitive tasks in both manual and cognitive jobs, allowing workers to focus on more creative or complex aspects of their work. In healthcare and other jobs of the heart, AI can assist with diagnostics and data management, enabling professionals to spend more time on patient care and emotional support.

Importantly, AI can also democratize access to tools and knowledge, making it possible for more people to acquire the skills necessary to thrive in various fields. This technological shift can help level the playing field, ensuring that all forms of work are valued for their contributions to society.

A Call for Recognition and Dignity

In conclusion, the framework proposed by PM Lawrence Wong provides a valuable lens through which to view the diversity of work in our society. As we embrace the future, it is essential to recognize the dignity and importance of all jobs — whether they involve the hands, the mind, or the heart. Every role is vital to the well-being of our communities and the progress of our world.

AI, with its potential to augment and enhance human capabilities, can play a significant role in flattening societal hierarchies and ensuring that every job is given the recognition it deserves. As we navigate this new era, let us remember that the true measure of a society’s success lies in how it values and uplifts all its members, regardless of the type of work they do.



Ahmadou Bello

Interested in longevity, healthspan, exercise, nutrition (crap and good) and teaching my mamas about science. Trying to be less wrong about things.